Distributed energy for industry
The megatrend in industry is to build factories close to sources of RES energy generation, because in the automotive, chemical, aluminum or steel industries, direct access to green energy matters. Lagging behind the Western European market may lead to Poland’s exclusion, as Western companies ask questions about production methods, the raw material base and the energy mix used. It is this business model and climate sensitivity that poses the main challenge for Poland. To meet it, it is essential:
➡️ to standardize procedures for RES energy connections,
➡️ special regulations for industrial districts allowing the construction of wind and solar power plants,
➡️ support with guarantee for cPPA from BGK.
Participants in the panel discussion “Distributed energy for industry”, during the Distributed Energy Congress – Krakow AGH, representatives of Poland’s largest industry, the government, the IDA – spoke in favor of developing the concept of green industrial districts. It was a good, substantive discussion based on facts and industry experience. The surprisingly unambiguous consensus from all parties bodes well for future regulatory changes.