New technologies, News

Weather forecasts as the foundation for energy and gas purchasing decisions

Boryszew Green Energy & Gas is developing new services for energy and gas supply in Poland, offering a unique service for building purchasing strategies and securing prices. Thanks to our purchasing strategy, customers have already saved more than 30% in costs since the beginning of the year, but energy and gas sales are not only about price, but also about its predictability.

Energy and gas prices are fundamentally influenced by the weather, hence the more accurate the forecast, the greater the predictability of prices. Weather forecasts arising from the collection and analysis of observational data from multiple sources, the use of computer models and the associated increase in computing power, as well as from the quality of the data and the density as well as the variety of measurement devices, are key.

Accurate readings of weather-sensing devices affect energy consumption and optimization of heating costs by networks using remote reading of heat meters, control of parameters and modification of settings of control devices and also using weather automation at end users. Weather forecasts, in a period of increasing climate change, are therefore becoming the foundation for energy and gas purchasing decisions.

Based on continuous weather analysis, we are improving our offer in the area of forecasts, winning the recognition of demanding customers such as Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyczne in Siedlce Sp. Ltd. with which on July 28, 2023. A service agreement was signed for the sale of gas fuel, energy repurchase and energy supply. Boryszew Green Energy & Gas, in its development strategy, relies on knowledge to offer top-level services.

Mikolaj Budzanowski