European industrial investors on their way to become leaders in production segments, must conceive projects based on 100% renewable energy sources (RES) as this is what consumers expect. Companies which fail to meet these requirements may encounter difficulties in finding buyers for their products. In addition, a stable and predictable operating environment is crucial for the survival of enterprises, while the risk of price volatility, especially in the case of coal-gas mixes, may pose a real threat to them.

Therefore, the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) mechanism, i.e. contracts between producers of electricity from RES installations and recipients, especially industrial ones, is growing in popularity. These contracts ensure long-term energy supplies at competitive prices. By signing PPAs, companies may achieve stability in energy prices and at the same time promote sustainable production, which is of growing importance to consumers in Western Europe.

The development of green industrial production makes it possible to build production centres in areas with access to energy generation from renewable sources. Coastal communities in particular have now acquired an opportunity for dynamic development and the establishment of competitive local supply chains, thus generating regional economic growth. Access to RES energy will become a key factor in locating industrial sites in the coming years.

Dispersed energy, especially offshore, may contribute to the creation of new jobs in the heavy industry sector. The establishment of green production chains – covering food, steel, chemicals, aluminium and other sectors – should be supported by European Community funding. The current demand for green products indicates that a stream of investments and long-term financing will support pioneers in the green industry.